Will Molnar
Writer Producer
Will Molnar is a multi-award-winning screenwriter with seven completed feature screenplays. See the Awards Tab for more Accolades

The Journey Begins
Winner - Best Feature
About the multi-award-winning thriller
"The Selected"
LOGLINE: (Action, Survival, Thriller, Drama) In 2240, the future is bleak as overpopulation has led to famine, and desperation. The government must find unique ways to curb population growth with a kill or be killed, fight-to-the-death elimination game called “The Selected.”
"I write because I love to write, many of my scripts come from the heart where I have a passion for bringing old-school movies and stories to life." Mr, Molnar's latest screenplay, "The Selected," was inspired by a dream that he had after watching Squid Game, Simply fill out the form below to request a read.


Best Feature Screenplay
Best Thriller
Hollywood Script Award
Global Motion Picture & Filmmakers
Franchise Opportunity - with two sequels also it has been adapted for a television series
Latest Features:
Mr. Molnar has now completed six features that span the most popular genres:

Screenplays Now Available
Award-winning screenplays
William F. Molnar IV wrote his first screenplay for his son as he loved the sea called Up From The Depths. Since then he has perfected his skills as a writer and has now completed five feature screenplays, and one television series across multiple genres.
See awards and request a read below. Enjoy.

Halloween Horror Feature Script
Honorable Mention
Horror Bowl
A True Story Comedy Feature or TV Series
Adapted for Television
The Selected
Sci-fi Thriller
Multi-Award Winning Thriller
"Best Thriller"
"Best Feature"
Up From The Depths
Sci-fi Thriller
Best Scene Screenplay Fantasy Sci-fi Script Contest Finalist - Reading available Link to Reading
Fantasy Adventure
Winner Best Feature